Tekton Double Impact phase issues?

Showed a photo of the DI's to one of Agon's most respected members and one of the things he said stuck with me. This member had a feeling that there might be phase issues. I am too new to the hobby to be sure what this might be or how such an issue may sound. Am hoping to travel to Houston for an audition at the dealership and want to make sure I know what to listen for in this matter. Are their particular recordings to use that may be able to test this possible phase problem? Many thanks.
The one issue with phase problems, to me anyway, is if I'm sitting in the "sweet spot" and just move my head a few inches left or right, a single vocal or instrument may move several feet in any direction. (usually left or right). That creates a huge break down of the soundstage for me as I find it quite annoying. My latest speakers which are Vandersteens don't have this problem thank goodness....
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@mr_m Exactly!

It's quite easy to hear this problem. I'm curious though, which speakers DID show this issue for you? This reminds me of the old Polk with their cross-feed drivers.


@stfoth Me too, but judicious toe-in should solve this issue for you. :)


By the way, the easiest way to put these issues to bed is to show polar plots of frequency response.

A good speaker will have a smooth roll-off off axis. A great speaker will have level drops off axis, but maintain the same frequency response.
