Tekton Double Impact phase issues?

Showed a photo of the DI's to one of Agon's most respected members and one of the things he said stuck with me. This member had a feeling that there might be phase issues. I am too new to the hobby to be sure what this might be or how such an issue may sound. Am hoping to travel to Houston for an audition at the dealership and want to make sure I know what to listen for in this matter. Are their particular recordings to use that may be able to test this possible phase problem? Many thanks.
L and R speakers can be too far apart if images move significantly when moving your head.
It is so interesting that we hear yet another comment, indirectly once again, from an "experienced audio dude" saying Tekton speakers have issues. However, once again the experienced Agoner has not heard, touched, smelled, groped or measured the speakers.

My goodness this is so sophomoric. This is proof positive to me that Eric has something so revolutionary that the status quo audio crowd is coming unglued. This is not aimed at the poster as I assume he is making an innocent post.
Hope I did not leave the wrong impression!!!  The opinion offered was not a statement of belief but rather an impression or concern based solely on the image. The member is solidly behind the possibility of me taking a trip to audition them and would be pleased as punch if they compared favorably to the speakers that he has recommended at my price point(5000$ for used)-Dynaudio.  Confidence C1 Platinum and Dali Euphonia MS5. Speakers that he has actually heard. Am also in contact with a seller that has a cosmetically challenged pair of Vienna Acoustics Liszt for sale. These three have a larger list price than the DI's but from what I have read many have traded in expensive, well regarded speakers for the Tektons. As soon as I can sell my Salk Sound Song Towers I should be ready to pull the string on a new pair. Just wanted to be prepared for my audition. Thanks for the info on how to detect phase issues, I have a single chair listening spot now and hope that this will not be a problem.
Eric. The past speakers I've had with the type of phase characteristics I mentioned were Legacy. I liked their sound and still do. Just had to dial in speaker location and toe-in to minimize. Also minimize the movement of my head while listening. Although this could be tedious at times.
My speakers are approx. 7 1/2' feet apart and 9 1/2' from the listening position. Also with a slight amount of toe-in for proper center fill. I don't feel this is to wide of spread by conventional standards....