Anyone Catch Lyle Lovett in NYC

What were your opinions of the show.
missed him and kd lang in michigan last week, i would have really wanted to see them
I have seen Lyle Lovett a few times here in the Houston area with his "Large Band" and it has always been a treat, our paths have crossed several times since he was living in this area and was an off road motorcycle enthusiast as am I and those meetings were very special to me as he only wanted to talk motorcycles not music. He is exactly as he appears to be, just a joy to share time with, I was just in awe of him.
A Lyle Lovett show is a very special show indeed. I've seen him a few times and it's always very impressive. If you like music, you will like the show. We saw the "Large Band" show last summer. He had the dean of music from a local college in Texas on one of the horns, as well as a local Church Choir from here in Cincinnati as the backup singers. Really outstanding. He's also quite funny and talks a lot between songs. A true joy to see.....
+1 ruebent.   My wife and I saw him this past summer on the Large Band tour, also.  One of the best shows I have ever been to see, spanning the ear-bleed days of Quicksilver and Jefferson Airplane in the late 60s, to the present.  We spent half the evening looking at each other with amazement.  Great songwriter with absolutely world class musicians at every spot.