Crime scene or Quarantine?
Oh, but for the days of Wow… and oh yeah, flutter.
Whatever happened to the $1K Nakamici Dragon? Neatest looking deck ever.
I had the first auto reverse cassette deck Akai put out. It actually flipped the tape over physically. Well, if you put some foil sensing tape near the ends. A clunky and tedius process.
Tape was just begining to get into metal and ferrus, different biases and lengths of tapes such as the infamous 120s which actually lasted more than a few plays without stretching or breaking.
The Crown, and Dokoder Reel to Reel decks were among the top units.
I had TEAC and Akai RTR in the ‘70s. they were only 7.5, and 15 IPS. 7 inch tapes I think. Not tens.
I would record FM stations and LPs at 3 ¾ or 7.5 for hours and play them bak while at sea. There were no prerecorded RTR tapes besides classical music then.
I was agast seeing RTR playback only decks that cost more than a very nice preamp or amp at $15K or more.
RE $200 f it still had living DNA or saliva on it. It would sure depend on whose DNA too.
Reba? Lorrie? Absolutely. Probably wouldn’t even request a blood test.
I need an analog to digital converter and a cassette deck to get everthing converted into digital.
Are there any cheap but fairly decent ones around?
Much simpler times then. Hated to see the 8 track go the way of the Do Do bird. Oil well.