Silly prices for Nordost cables

$38000 for a 2m pair?
$17000 for a 1.5m power cord?
$20000 interconnect for 0.6 meters and only(!) $2000 for an additional 0.5 meter?

I know the debate is tired but this is beyond ridiculous.
Right on Joey. :)

However, a thread titled such as this is intentionally and squarely aimed to elicit such responses.

Enough of this silliness. Buy them, don’t buy them, who cares. Just shuddup about it already.

I am pointing out that there are companies making short pieces of cable - often no more than rehashed OEM wire and covering it with fancy jackets

Which companies...?
I think it's fair to say that there IS a market for such uber expensive cables, whether I agree or not isn't the issue. If we use the previously mentioned Lambo references, I will share my own experience. I had the good fortune of being able to have a guided tour of the Bologna maufacuring facilty this past June. One section of the plant was dedicated to the Lamborghini Centenario, and only 20 hard tops, and 20 soft tops were to be built. The base price, before options was a stunning 1.7 million Euros. The lady guiding us through the plant informed us that all 40 units were pre-sold!! So, the point is, if you can build such extravagantly high priced products, there are people out there that have the means to buy, and will do so. Would we begrudge anyone who has the ability to by a Centenario? I think not, so why would we do so in audio gear. If you can afford it, go for it! It aint my hard earned your spending, so what do I care.
I think many audio manufacturers make cost-no-object products. I think for them, they like to see what they can make with no restrictions. BUT they would be the first to tell you the products they make that are more modest in price are what keeps them in business. If Wilson only made their WAMM loudspeaker(650k), I wonder how long they would stay in business? Just my opinion....
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