Tekton Double Impact phase issues?

Showed a photo of the DI's to one of Agon's most respected members and one of the things he said stuck with me. This member had a feeling that there might be phase issues. I am too new to the hobby to be sure what this might be or how such an issue may sound. Am hoping to travel to Houston for an audition at the dealership and want to make sure I know what to listen for in this matter. Are their particular recordings to use that may be able to test this possible phase problem? Many thanks.
Before jumping all over people for wondering and asking questions, perhaps some might want to reread the original post and remember what  this forum is for.
FTR, I don’t mean to attack the OP. I find his questions reasonable and fair. I’m now just whining about the general FUD that has been lobbed.

Sorry for the confusion.


I would imagine the  some what uniqueness of these designs would be bound to raise questions.

You bring up some very good and valid questions some that I personally asked Eric at Tekton about when I was looking at the double impacts and the answers I got from him have been proven to me that he was correct and not a bs artist,after I've had my pair for 4 months now and I have listened to them everyday and also I have done quite a bit of measuring as well.

I'm just a happy owner and I truly love the sound I'm getting and my knowledge of this unique design backup to me the sound I'm getting.

There is a few specs about this speaker that I would be willing to share on this thread or others,I'm not a professional reviewer by any means and It's not my place to broadcast specs and details.
I really like all of Nelson pass amps from my very first one which was the Threshold 400a to my Sit2 and F7 that I own today and I could tell you lots of detail about them but It's there again not my place.

Anyway here is a few details about specs of the Di speaker and I will let you make up your own mind.

1. All 7 tweeters are 4 ohm.
2. Center tweeter is a super tweeter playing 10k to 30k.
3. The six outer tweeters play down to 680 Hz.
4. The 2 mids play up to 2k
5. The 2 woofers are crossed at 250 Hz with a 2nd order crossover.
6. The true,in my listening room efficiency is 95.3 db with a 1 watt input at 1M distance playing the industry standard 1k frequency.

Some folks think I'm very biased or a fanboy and I'm ok with that I'm just trying to share actual real info and my opinion of any product that I either own or that I have heard.


This is very interesting and somewhat different than earlier descriptions of the 4-way crossover. From this I assume there are substantial ranges of the mid frequencies shared by the mid drivers and ring tweeters. If so, this makes Eric's design much more sophisticated than I had earlier thought.

Now, to a related discussion of soundstage...

Listen often to orchestral music where an accurate soundstage is key to enjoying the experience. Have been using a method suggested to me by Rory at Emotiva, one of their speaker people. He suggests you angle the speakers inwards so that they converge on a spot one foot in front of your nose position when seated.

Am doing this with the DIs and the soundstage is very convincing. Panning from left to right is continuous and the orchestral personnel appear close to their miked position.

Give it a try if you are looking for a seamless, left-to-right soundstage.

Have also noted that the speakers are surprisingly coherent when heard in another shared room. Although you do not hear the same accurate assessment of the individual instruments, the overall sound remains pleasing indeed. Do not know if this is volume, frequency response, or some other characteristic.

AND, I've got to ask...is it KDude66 because the first 65 were already taken? (LOL).