Legacy Audio Focus SE compared to the Legacy Aeris Speakers

I am looking for owner opinions of the Legacy Audio Focus SE speakers compared to the Legacy Aeris speakers from a sound quality perspective.  I am considering either of the 2, but have to wait another 5 weeks until a new local dealer will have their showroom ready for display.

I just checked out Tekton Design’s website. Very interesting, but a 73" high speaker would be overkill in my room as my drop ceiling is 7’-9" high. The room size is 19’-10" wide x 29’-10" long. I might give them a call though. The price is attractive at $12,000.
I agree that the Aeris is a league up from the Focus SE, but only when the Aeris is set up optimally.  When doing the online room equalization process, it is not that hard to get a bad setup.  I heard the Aeris after a setup, and all the mid-bass fullness was missing.  When Aeris is done right, you can't believe how incredible a male baritone voice sounds.  Those big Aeris mid-woofers are light and FAST.

It's interesting how you hi-jacked this Legacy thread. Even if you feel it was unintentional on your part.....The point is, try doing that on one of a half dozen Tekton threads currently going, and see what happens....
As a recent owner of the Signature SE's, I think Legacy makes incredible speakers. Anything else would've been too big for my room, and they sound so amazing.
I love my Whisper HD"s  with Silver Graphite Mids . With all tubes. Legacy makes some great sounding speakers.