Thoughts on Legacy Whisper Speakers

Anyone have a general opinion on the Legacy Whisper and/or what to drive it with? Have a chance at a rather good deal on a pair. Grealy appreciated.

Sincerely, I remain
I ultimately biamped mine with an EAR 534 on top and the Levinson 331 on the bottom with the Whisper box hooked to it via a Mcintosh C42 preamp - I later switched the Levinson to a Mcintosh 352 which had a smoother sound in my opnion.
I think they suck
I auditioned dozens of speakers in the 10-20K range
and the Whispers were very unrefined in the bass and mid bass regions
They were OK for big home theater but they were awful with two channel music
BTW I ended up with the Von Schweikert VR7's
Clueless- if you decide not to get the Whispers check out the new VMPS RM 40's. At 4600 new they are hard to beat - I just heard them today.
Can you elaborate a bit on your impressions after listening to the RM-40s? I am keenly interested in these speakers but they're not easy to find.


there's another active thread on the Rm-40s taht I initiated and it would be great if you could post your impressions there. Try here -->

Thanks again.