2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K

Heading towards the second half of 2017, I thought to ask here what other’s feel based on their experiences, wants or desires, exactly which recent production speakers under $25K, would be the ones you would want to marry.

Or be in a very long term fundamentally though not totally committed, relationship.

One wherein if they promise to satisfy on demand, you promise to keep them clean and sufficiently supplied with power and the purest of signals, not to leave dirty clothes on the floor, and to take the trash out daily, er, uh, regularly.

Actually, those last two items are predominately conscience driven and do not command perfect adherence.

Which speakers hands down just flat out captivated your attention, fancy, or were so compelling they made a significant impact.

In short, Speakers that have taken your breath away .

As speakers are merely one part of the ching let’s qualify things somewhat.

1. Speakers which can run very well in medium sized rooms. EX. 14 to 18ft wide, and 17 to 25ft long or deep, with ceilings from 8.5ft to 10ft H, or so.

2. If a sub was or should have been added, please, mention that as well.

3. If an Ultra high end setup, massive SS power amps, Tubes, or flea watt amps, were feeding and or driving them noting it would be appropriate.

4. Recent production since 2015. New or used.

Although it seems prudent to list only current production speakers, I know adding on the facet of pre-owned adds a lot more choices for the ‘desert island’ I got mine, you get your’s, scenario, but what the hey. It beats that 250 to 500 plus hours of run in new units usually insist upon.

If links to accounts or info on them is available, please include it.

As this is about options anyhow, let no design be excluded.

Jriggy > The Poseidon is above them all....for now...

Blindjim > super!! Thanks a lot.
I read an Argos v2 account from I think, Soundstage. 2013? Can’t find anything explicit or in depth on the P’s though.

‘appreciate the heads up on D.C.. I was just there too! Did not have time for anything but business though. Found out after my return about the various audio outlets. Great. Just my luck.

Oil well. Everything always works out. Just not when or how I would usually want them too… but it always does.

On another note/posting I did finally see the Youtube vid on the Gibbon X. the usually decent audio was not so good on that short IMO.

What still has a large question mark on speaker possibilities are the new Paradigm Personna line. Their specs alone got my attention… not their prices.

Speakers such as the personas, Van Quattro CT, Golden Ears, Focus Arias (?) which have the powered bass drivers and room correction at least for that area are an attractive notion.

Address the bass separately and do it well, opens the doors for loads of amp options. Specifically tube amps.

those from Devore, and Daedalus will have to remove themselves from my list. Along with a few others based on their own merits.

In fact, if I can find reasonably priced nice sounding horn speakers I could buy and try, then sell without loads of loss, I’d start there. We’ll see I think.

Here is the Brutus award winner for Dave Clark of Positive Feedback:  

Vandersteen Quatro Wood CT loudspeakers (Read the review HERE)

Nothing to add that hasn't been said in my review and elsewhere by other reviewers... simply amazingly musically killer. We bought the review sample.

Here is the whole review:  http://positive-feedback.com/audio-discourse/vandersteen-audio-quatro-wood-ct-loudspeakers/

He and his wife bought the review pair.  As for even the Treo's, like I said the bass goes down into the 30's before giving up steam.  It's not a huge woofer and the laws of physics apply, but it gives satisfying bass all the way down.  Never muffled or woolly.  It's just not the Quatro with the built in subs and the 11 band eq.  I personally haven't heard digital EQ done properly.  That's one of the things I didn't love about the Persona 9H.  They were like most Paradigms for ME, in that the highs were accentuated too much, but the bass wasn't fully coherent with that Anthem EQ. Again, that's just me.  I found the Treo's were driven nicely at reasonable volume, in my room with a 60 watt Ayre AX7e I had before upgrading to the AX5/20.  It's a zero feedback design which I prefer in amps and it's got plenty of current to drive speakers, but the Vandersteen's spec out nicely and are actually very easy to drive. I've heard Treo's driven by the 1800 Belles integrated NICELY as well as the mid level NAD integrated.  The Belles crushes the NAD IMHO, but you can easily put together a satisfying system using these amps with them.  

Again, they may or may not be YOUR cup of tea.  I didn't even like them when I first started my search for speakers to replace my 20 year old Proac's a few years ago.

As for horns, they are the most exciting speaker type on the market.  You can run them with flea watt amps and they are a blast. I finally got to hear a set a few months ago. I understand why folks love them, but they just don't do justice with vocals.  Their mids are not as good as a panel or a great dynamic can do. Even folks who sell them and love them will tell you that if they are truthful.  They are an easy sell if someone just wants a fun, dynamic speaker to listen to big music with.  There is a great market for that and it's why they have been selling so well for years and years and years. Heck, my first 'true love' speakers were the Klipshhorns in 69.  I wanted any of them.  I couldn't afford them at the time, but i got my buddy Frank to get a pair of the Heresy's with our Yamaha CR 620 (a top vintage receiver) that my former brother in law still runs daily and loves with newer speakers.  Franks system was fun to listen to rock with, that's for sure.  

Again, JMHO's on all of this.  I have changed how I listen over the years as I learn more.  I just listen differently than in the past. 

if you run across a page with the latest VDS Quattro wood CT specs... let me know if you don’t mind. .

although I’ve not read thru a legit review per se, I've read both of Mr. Clark's ramblings on them and looked at the VDS web site but finding the actual numbers on them including current costs, appears to be a National security issue, or of little or no value to mr. Clark or VDS.

one of my bigger pet peeves is to read thru a review or article on audio equipment, and no one posts the just as important info... like weights, sizes, number of inputs, or outputs, sensitivities, IMP's, damping factors, even cost isn't always squarely confronted on the home website of the manufacturer..

copying and pasting legit info is not hard. Posting no model prices? Why not?

What are you talking about?  If you are trying to discredit the speakers, good luck.  The cost is squarely on the site at 14,900 a pair in many wood veneer choices.  Painted, like mine, are an upcharge.  He hides nothing and never has. That's why he has the best selling speaker in high end audio in his 2's. 

Is a legit review one that you do?  Do you listen to music or read specs?  What is a national security issue to you?  

If you are asking if specs and numbers are important to Mr Vandersteen, the answer is obvious to most how have ever listened to interviews on panels at shows.  Very transparent as you seem to question his transparency.  That's how he invents new models and tweeks the ones he has now.  

I was trying to answer a question that you asked and you came back with a very rude and snarky remark.  I expect that from trolls on the internet Jim and that's how you come off to be honest.  

You seem to be very lazy Jim.  Everything you asked for is on the Vandersteen site, clear as day and if something is missing that you think is important in an audition, then just go to the ask Richard board that is clearly marked on his site and he will PERSONALLY answer your questions.  All questions with total transparency.  

I don't know Clark, but who are you to discredit a reviewer?  Are you above everyone else?  I've gotten two emails from folks who also are reading this thread and they laughed at your troll response.  Maybe you want me to only post a negative review on the speaker?  I can't find one anywhere. I personally don't care about reviews, but you asked and you received.  Next time, but list all the reviewers that you want to read about and then go search, cut and paste for yourself if you don't like what others do.  

I did get a good laugh out of your rudeness though, so I can't wait for the retort, ;).  

If you want to discredit the speakers, please share why and when you last auditioned them and with what gear and please share the specs of the room you heard them in.  Transparency goes both ways I guess, lol... good day sir.
Posting no model prices? Why not?
One reason is that many manufacturers have an export market. The problem with that is many countries have import duty, some of which are excessive. Tack on top of that shipping cost, and in the days of the internet a potential customer might be lost to the national distributor in that country if they see the US retail price.

About the only way around this problem is to not list the retail pricing. So if you are really serious about a certain speaker, just call the manufacturer or your dealer.