I am facinated with the prospect of hearing these speakers.
Years ago I heard them at dealer, but only briefly. The next time I went back, they were gone. I assumed they went out of business. Is it fully omni-directional. Are they time and phase coherent? They seem to need power, what is the impedance range? Has any one seriously measured them? Is it truly a single driver speaker system. If not, do they use cross-overs? What kind? To what other drivers. If so, are they bi/tri ampable? What type of box do they use (sealed,vented,transmission,other)? What is the suggested room placement/requirements? How far does the listener need to sit from them. Has anybody used them with digital room correction/cross-overs? How about surround sound? Sorry for all the questions, but the web site is not that informative. From what little I know they seem to offer so much promise, especialy if all the new digital options fufill thier promise. Sean, please share your impressions of the Huff stuff. As always, thanks in advance.