Manley Chinook question

I am interested in the Chinook with the NOS tubes upgrade. Any owners of this
one? I am not familiar with the 6922 tubes. How do they compare with the 12AX7?
I read that the Allnic rolls off some of the bottom end. I also read the same about the
Chinook. I called Manley and they say it's flat to 20HZ. I love deep bass. I was looking
at a Pass Labs but I prefer tubes.
dill rod-
I wouldn't get too hung up on reviews if you can try one in your system. YMMV as we all say.

Demoing the Chinook through my system , I heard full, deep bass as it's supposed to sound. I simply found my existing phono amp(all tube including rectifier)a tad hissy at extreme levels which, was still acceptable once the music kicked in. The deal breaker was a subtle bit of more "real" compared to the Chinook.

So do I, regarding deep bass and tubes. That's why I don't have a tube phono yet because I don't think that anything below, say, LAMM would be good enough. No rolling of high end for me either, or restrained dynamics.