What? Cant hear the voices

My wife and I 55 yrs ish are now having trouble hearing the voices clearly over laugh track and music backrounds on TV shows and movies on DVD. We have a great 38 inch Lowe HD tube TV, embedded in a great two channel sound system. Right now we get the best sound just using the two stereo speakers (Von Sweikert Vr4 SR's) and turning off the TV volume. My question is the best way to proceed. Is there a way to just add a center speaker and a reciever to handle it perhaps with prologic 2? Not interested in surround etc, just clearer voices. Thanks
Did this just happen with no changes,by you, to your system?

Don't know what your source is for TV cable, sat, over the air etc... but for the DVD player you might want to check the setting to insure it is not outputting to 5.1. I had to set all speakers to "NONE" on my DVDSACD player when I went from 5.1 to 2 channel. Your TV source may be the same. List your DVD player and TV source please.
Just shy of you and your wife's age I too was having difficulty hearing and making out the voices. However I am using a complete 5.1 surround system. At first I adjusted the center channel upward to compensate so the center channel played louder than the other speakers. I still struggled to make out certain voices so I started investigating other options. It became apparent that some speakers have enhanced midrange speakers over their competitors. So I made a complete speaker switch to B&w 802's for my main and center channel speakers. The difference was quite astonishing. I gained complete sound improvemet across the board. Yes I spent a lot of money to deal with my dilema but these were the speakers I wanted in the first place. Perhaps others would know of different speaker options if this is something you would consider. You might even consider trying head phones? Unfortunately, your other option would require a change in processors. I even spent thousands of dollars for hearing aids. The aids improved my ability to hear but I was very dissatisfied with the quality of what I was hearing. Sure hope this helps, good luck!
You're on the right track with the center-channel only speaker. The resulting mono sound makes dialog stand out.

My parents had problems when they would accidentally press the surround key on the remote which would add artificial reverb and all sort of garbage to muck-up the sound.
Also, point the speaker directly at your seats.

Make sure you're getting straight sound in mono, pointing directly at you.
If you still can't hear clearly, have your hearing tested.
Good luck!
Eldarado may be onto something. If you have the problem on DVD, digital cable or satellite TV, then it may be a setting in your DVD player and Set top box. Be sure your DVD player is set to PCM or Stereo in the Audio setup. Same goes for your set top box if you have cable or satellite TV.

If the setting is wrong and you are only using the L&R analog stereo outputs from your DVD player and STB, you are missing all of the program matererial that would otherwise be sent to the center channel in a surround sound setup.

I've given this advice on this site in the past and it did resolve the problem.


I went through several center channel speakers and am now not using a center channel speaker. I have found that unless you have a VERY good digital processor (not found in any reciever so far) the best bet is to keep the signal analog as much as possible with stereo only using the analog outputs from the TV (or DVD if intelligibility is more important than surround effect). In my case my stereo power amp (Almarro A205a MKII) provides best main channel voice definition. Try using your TV's built-in amps to drive the Vr4's or other amp. If using optical output from TV a better fiber-optic will enhance quality (using voice to compare different setups is quite revealing). I'm using the shortest Kimber brand optic now for TV. If using Digital cable output then of course that makes a diiference also (I'm using 8feet of MIT coax with their RCA ends on it as best cheap cable, a little better than their entry level dig cable but not near as good as their best. Finally and not the least in importance is the speaker cable from amp to speakers. Just for TV a cheaper wire that restricts bass and lower midrange may work best. Let us know what finally works for you as I've been chasing good voice recognition for some time without spending big $ to "do it right".