Best universal disc player that has great audio reproduction?

I was flirting with the idea of replacing my separate BluRay player and my Classe cd player with a all in one universal player.
The movie portion is used sparingly but I do have a fair collection of bluray and dvd discs so as long as a decent performer in that region that will be good enough.
The crunch obviously is in the audio reproduction.
Recommendations for a true universal player leaning towards audio on a budget of approx. 2k used.
Thank you
The McIntosh MVP-881 is really, really good. You can find them used for around your price.
Yea, I was looking at the 881 and 891, they were on the list.
However my last mc was a 851 and the audio portion seemed very bright and forward in my system at least.
But it is possible they made some improvement....
You could try an Oppo BDP 205, and return it if it didn't suit your needs.  Don't let the low cost fool you.  I use balanced analog to an Ayre KX-5 Twenty.  It's not quite up to the Ayre C-5xeMP, but closer than one might imagine, and, of course, it's a lot more versatile.

I have a C5xeMP.....  It doesn't do bluray, but it is a very musical machine.