Help ! Best MC cartridge for Linn LP12?

I have a LP12 with new EkosSE arm with Skale weight. The TT has Keel chassis, Radikal power, AQ Leopard cable. I use a Krystal MC now. I'm asking what cartridges mate best with my setup from a compliance standpoint- weight mount, suspension table etc.  From that list I'll try narrow down to good selections that mate to my phono/pre. Hopefully I will have a few that I can choose from to suit my listening tastes, knowing that compatibility isn't coloring what I hear. My budget limit is $10k. I have some thoughts already, but don't want to bias comments by naming them. So please help me to narrow my options down to the best candidates. 
Thanks. I have considered scrapping the LP12 and moving on. I drank the Linn Kool Aid and I'm still trying to improve it. I hate losing money on the rig. 
For you other guys, maybe I didn't phrase my question perfectly enough for you. The first thing I mentioned was the arm and  I know that's what the cartridge needs to mate with. I listed the rest of the table because I knew other Linn owners would say first upgrade other parts of the TT before spending $ on a new cartridge. So with that clarified, do you have a thought on cartridge or was this just a poke at my poor grammar?
i have an Aesthetix Janus Eclipse pre w phono and the regular Etna is a better match. 
Just back to first principles: I would match any cartridge, no matter what type, to its tonearm, without much regard for which table the two are mated with.  The only limitation with a spring-suspended chassis like the Linn's would be the weight of the tonearm and whether that constrains the choice of tonearm to go with the cartridge you may have in mind. I am no fan of Linn LP12, but I am not going to tell you to scrap it, if you like it. (EMT 927s are not readily available items, and only a few shops in the world seem to know how to restore/rebuild them properly; by all accounts, they are as finicky to get right as is a Linn LP12.)

In other words, I guess I find myself agreeing with Clearthink and Nandric.
As usual, we have LP12 naysayers who have never heard a fully decked out version. The Ekos SE ( while perhaps NOT the most resolving of arms) is a classic arm for the TT and is best suited for it weight wise. The arm can easily support the likes of the Etna and others...even heavy carts like a Benz LPSMR. The main criteria is how much noise you are going to get through your Janus Eclipse....and that has to do with the carts output, plain and simple. I would go with the Etna and call it a day.
Thanks Davey. I felt like mating to the arm was my first step- weight etc. I know dynavector XV 1-T/S supposely work well, as do The Delos, Skala,Etna etc. I was hoping someone could expand that list a little. Koetsu ? AirTight? Clear audio? As I said in OP, if I have the best pairing with the arm, then I can use that list as a good starting for compatibility w/ my phono stage. Then from those, I can listen to them individually (hopefully).   If the Better answer is upgrading my phono pre section, & sticking with my existing cartridge, I'd consider it. I'm trying to get the best source component and then  work outward.