Well ... keep checking the forum often when - eventually - the Voyager is found by an audiophile the next universe over.
Very enjoyable PBS show.
Very enjoyable PBS show.
MM or MC......Voyager Expedition
I saw the PBS show. I could be mistaken, but I thought it was said that a "stylus" was included. I don't recall "cartridge." A cartridge would suggest a more complex set of instructions to retrieve information than a mere stylus. It would seem difficult to graphically show how to use a cartridge as opposed to a stylus. |
ncarv, Could be....perhaps he said stylus....now I can't be 100% certain. One might assume that the engineers would try to keep the retrieval set up as simple as possible?? Perhaps more like Edison's Gamaphone set up?? I'm glad others saw the same program....not many watch PBS or Science programming any more since streaming and Netflix, etc., came about. |
Well that record has been floating in outer space for quite a while. Last year I read on Fremer's site about a remaster of it. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/ozmarecords/voyager-golden-record-40th-anniversary-edition Space X should send the remaster out to the stars with a more modern cartridge so the alien audiophiles can see how we have progressed. |