power for mc452 and c2600

I'm relatively new to high end audio. Had a mcintosh integrated amp for few years and now decided to upgrade to separates. Just received c2600 preamp and awaiting on mc452 amp due to arrive sometime next week. 

I don't know anything about power conditioners and protection devices. currently using monster surge protector. My questions: 

1. what is the minimum protection device that one would use for my equipment
2. does it have to be a power conditioner or just surge protection
3. how much do these "power conditioners" contribute to the overall performance? Can you objectively measure their effect? Can they worsen the performance in any way by limiting power? 
4. is there a real difference in relatively affordable (200-500) vs. higher price units (1000 and above) ? 
5. What are you using and what is your experience with it? 
6. Your recommendation on units with good reputation under $500

thank you 
I could get an Isotek evo3 Polaris for $300 new without cord. Is there a difference between Polaris vs. Sirius ? Is that a good deal, or should I get the Sirius for 500? 
Thank you whart and Al. Things are looking like it is breaking up in our immediate area and the water level is dropping pretty steadily (for now). 

Again, I greatly appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Others out there that are on your team. Prayers and petitioning are going up.
Thank you pokey. I am touched. :)

So far we have not had our home flooded and water levels stayed stable in our area today. Forecast predicting end of heavy rain around midnight in the Katy/Richmond area.

Thank you again pokey, whart and Al. God bless you all.

Wish all the best to the folks in the affected areas. Electronics and water don't mix well, and those with the giant Krells, Boulders, Levinsons, etc., will have to leave them behind...(little humor in case not obvious)