Ref 3a mm in price range ?

Bookshelf ref 3a mm De capo best in that price range ?? Imaging and soundstage and timbrel accuracy being mist important. 
The de Capos are great.  At that price range for those characteristics I'd also look at Joseph Audio Prisms or, better yet, used Pulsars.  Best of luck. 
I’d read the reviews and check the archives AND do a Google search, there is plenty of info and useful insight on this design, it’s a classic (over 30 years in different guises)and at the price point and beyond worth a listen if you can. The latest BE model is just superb in every manner,.
Yeah I think they are absolutely perfect in many ways. Joseph audio Capps can be bought for 2600. 
I have long been a fan of Reference 3A speaker designs, loving the very minimalist crossover implementations.  I have owned their Master Reference, Dulcets, and still own original de Capo's and L'Integrales.  I think the de Capo's are great in their price range.  I also am of the school that prefers the original silk tweeter to the new BE tweeter - - I think it integrates better with the woofer for a more coherent, natural timbre on instruments.  Their BE tweeter seems to draw too much attention to itself (but I have only heard it in show conditions, so......).
Jbrrp1 I hear you concerning the BE, UNTIL it is fully broken which takes some time. I have heard both, there is no comparison to me, that tweeter is just beautifully integrated and transparent with zero strdency or brightness. Then again you may just be used to the silk tweeter. My initial impression was brightness along with the things I liked, the communication of the musical message that is so special with the Decapos.