Has anyone used the Primaluna Dialogue integrated as a Preamp only?

If so, what are your thoughts?  I am very satisfied with this amp overall but was curious just in case I wanted to substitute another amp to change things up how good is the preamp section alone? Do you think it would sound to sterile or dry to use another amp whether it be tubed or SS? 
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
The only Special Edition I know of is the HP version of the Dialogue Premium. 

"The only Special Edition I know of is the HP version of the Dialogue Premium."

samzx12- my response was just a goof

I actually purchased a used PL a Dialogue Premium Pre with intentions of selling my HP intg. and going HP monoblocs.

Using it through the HT bypass, I heard subtle gains, although someone putting on their audiophile hat and listening,  perhaps would hear more improvements? 

No doubt had I went that route,  there would be sonic gains, but I'm satisfied with th HP Integrated and what it does, and my WALLET is happy.  

I thought it was a goof but I played it safe  :)

Point taken and I appreciate your input :)  I was originally wanting to try a ss amp to mix things up and have a little fun. But since i don't have that Special Edition I guess my idea is out the door. Like you said, the WALLET is happier.