Looking for suggestions for a used higher priced phono preamp. msrp $7000 to $13000.Thinking of Sutherland, ARC,Manley, Boulder so far. Going through the list of whats available here on Agon. Tube or solid state? thanks. 
"I have had a NVO SPAII for a few years. I recently was without it for a few weeks and had to listen to my solid state phono stage instead."

tomathome-I have been intrigued by the NVO after seeing listings years ago here, on Agon. Personally, I would NEVER have a rig without a tube phono stage.

SOO many bottles in that box!  I would imagine just a couple are really the "money" tubes for tweaking the sonics?

Based on pictues, I wasn't too impressed with the build. Tube sockets on board, case finishing looks a little  underwhelming?Sonics however....all the reviews are favorable. I would consider a used one for the right price. 

Hagerman Trumpet Reference-bested the Zesto Andros by a significant margin. Uses 12ax7 and 12au7 tubes.About 7000 retail. Owner for 4 years- never had a ny issue.

Stay away from those phono  stage using 12au7s. High end tube gain stage should not use those cheap tubes w/ high output impudence and non-linear gain. High mu tubes may not Sound smooth as directly heated tubes, but at least be able to drive equalizer network w/o too much variance. Also, the real cost no concern phono stage should use inductors in equalizer.
Stay away from those phono  stage using 12au7s. High end tube gain stage should not use those cheap tubes w/ high output impudence and non-linear gain. High mu tubes may not Sound smooth as directly heated tubes, but at least be able to drive equalizer network w/o too much variance. Also, the real cost no concern phono stage should use inductors in equalizer.
I can't agree with this.

First, the 12AU7 is based on the 6SN7 and has similar linearity. Their main problem (which is not an issue with 6SN7s) is microphonics. They are not particularly 'high output impedance'; in fact are often used to drive power tubes.

Inductors say nothing about phono EQ one way or the other. One issue with using inductors in a phono stage is ringing; this calls for careful design to make them work.

@rhodes Have you considered using a balanced phono setup? All cartridges are a balanced source and it sounds like you have an amplifier that has a balanced input. An advantage of balanced operation is the effect of the interconnect cables in the system sound is reduced.