CARY SLP05 - tube configuration?

For all you 05 owners, what are the tubes that you use or mix of tubes that you use and on which locations?  I currently have 4 popes in the system, mixed with 2 stock EH tubes in the right and left single ended negative sections.  

I find it to be the right mix of bite and warmth.  
The EH has an immediacy that I like... I need to find a better version of it but with the same sound characteristic
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Hi- is this NOS rectifier a decent upgrade over the stock? Approx market value if condition is good?

Mullard (for Zenith) GZ34 5AR4 1969 UK

My SLP-05 had a problem with the left channel, but it was intermittent. Gave up for several months and put my back-up in. Came across the upgrade, which replaces 10 caps and 20 resistors and figured they’d find the problem. Sure enough, there was a resistor which had smoked. My SA-200.2 was also improved with the current inputs. Mine was an original model with noisy parts. So far so good! Can’t directly compare the sound since it was nearly a year since I heard it.

Appreciate any advice on the rectifier.
I placed a Philips miniwatt in for the rectifier and it made a good difference.  No experience with mullards.
Mullard GZ34 are consider one of the best rectifiers made and are typically considered as a substantial upgrade over the stock JJ 5AR4. I use a 1960 Mullard GZ34 "fat base" rectifier in my slp05.

NOS Mullards run between $100 - $200 depending on year, manufacturing plant, and tube source (vendor). I always suggest going with a well known trusted vendor, you pay more, but you get quality. Also, rectifiers last a long time, therefore, the initial cost amortizes nicely over the tube’s lifetime.