Move router far from hifi components?

I just finished reading Hans Beekhuyzen's Kindle book on file based audio. This is what he said about where your router should go.

"Like cell phones, Wi-Fi uses radio frequencies that might cause interference in your stereo. Try to keep the Wi-Fi access point as far as possible from the hifiequipment and always use well shielded audio, power and network cables on your hifi. If Wi-Fi is your only choice, you’d rather hope you’re in an area that has little Wi-Fi traffic."

i don't think I have heard about this before and was wondering if this really makes a difference. I'm tempted to move my router and modem to another room to test but wanted to poll everyone to see if they have done this.
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If you are using cable then shorter is definitely better. Power supply to the hub (router/modem) makes a difference. Try using a higher grade switch as well and again use a better power supply to that switch. AQVOX make a dedicated audio switch which improves SQ.

There is quite a choice of better dc power supplies on the market a number of which I am currently testing. Sbooster, King Rex, MCRU, Uptone, HDplex, Paul Haynes, Kennith Lieu, Fidelizer are some of the brands.
My CD, LP main system sounds better with streamer, router, home theater system all unplugged 
Welcome to Audiogon, toetapaudio. Please be sure to follow up with the results of your comparisons. 

Regarding LPS, how do you folks make sure you're getting a compatible unit to replace the wall plug, e.g., what specs, which supplier, etc.? Thanks.