Need suggestions please! Electrical noise in my system and it's driving me crazy!

So I have been battling with an electrical noise in my home since I moved in over a year ago. I've had two electricians check it out and have done hours of trouble shooting myself. 

I'm getting a hum or a buzz from anything with a transformer and a buzz through my speakers. Standard driver speakers and my Maggies. The house was built ten years ago and has everything up to code. Underground electrical lines. 2 ground rods outside the house. Just added a ground to all the copper plumbing and gas lines. I have a 200 amp panel in the house and a 100 amp panel in the garage. 

I have a Furman IT Reference 15 power conditioner and it's not doing jack. It's actually humming too. As far as trouble shooting I've mixed and matched equipment, speaker, and cables to eliminate that factor, I've also turned every breaker off one by one to find if it's something in the house that's dirtying up the electrical but even when I only had the one breaker that powered me system on, the noise was still there. 

I'm going crazy because my relaxing time is sitting and listening to my music in a dead silent room with a dead silent background and I no longer have that anymore. I can hear the buz, hum, and even a high pitch noise and it's ruining my hobby. Both electricians I've had in the house have no clue and and think I'm nuts anyway. 

Has anyone had an issue like this before? Could you fix it? How did you fix it? Please help! I'm about ready to sell all my equipment because it's annoying to listen to. 


“Power lines are underground”

Thinking about this some things came to mind….

Is your 100a box fed by the main 200a service? Usually sub boxes or sub feeds have something from the main service being used in common… such as the ‘common’ or neutral side of the ckt. Also, it is not uncommon for the sub fed service to used the same ground conductor. And if only one conductor, neutral or ground is being split off to feed that 100a panel, the issue if it exists in either service will extend into the previous or latter service.

The advice to firm up connections in the service panels on the main busses and neutral or ground bars is very good info. Use good sense. Turn off the power before removing the security or safety plate and exposing everything.

The main feeds in a 200a svc can have either allen screws securing the two hots and one neutral, or a more standard fastener.

If the ‘main’ lines are at all loose, and the incoming cables are aluminum there is a goop that will aid connectivity and reduce oxidation.

Aluminum can be squeezed down to nearly nothing with some fasteners, make it tight and a wee bit, but no more.

Tightening the leads on each breaker may require a different type than a standard screwdriver depending on who made the panel itself.

Differences in potential even between ground rods can cause trouble in the home.

The Electrical contractor I worked for when we were building a Honeywell electronics engineering, manufacturering and testing facility many years ago had to have many power lines spec’d out and or dedicated. This meant a lot of ground rods were inserted too. Most rods were in the same general area. Some just a few feet away. Honeywell techs said they were getting feedback voltages on open circuits under testing. One of the older more exp’d Electrician foremen came up with the idea of checking each ground rod to each other rod. After the laughter the process ensued. Eventually we found between some of the rods as much as 5 or 6 volts disparity. We made make shift ‘inductors’ for each ckt/ground rod. And as non scientific as that sounds, it was enough to prevent the once found aberration, to being found no longer.

Even the density of the moisture within the ground can affect how well your grounding circuit will work. Keeping it damp helps. Trust me here. Its why GRs are 8ft long. They used to be 12. Then 10. Formerly copper, not just galvanized steel as so many are today. Grounds need to be firmly connected too. The moisture in the dirt is doing the connecting.

Grounding to plumbing used to be a good idea too. Back when it was all metal.

Hums or worse still, loud buzzes indicate an electrical issue usually surrounding grounds.

Loose or weak connections, are ‘resistive’ connections… not grounds. They will merely limit conductivity or prevent it altogether. They won’t introduce hum or buzz into the circuit which can be heard via very sensitive audio speakers or it could otherwise be seen with an O scope.

Grease, oils, heat, dampness, even invisible to the eye can cause grounds.

Underground cable runs are susceptible to lots of stuff. Even when ran thru conduit. Standing water. Critters. Bruised dialectrics or insulation can cut or scrape just enough off the main feeds to allow some conduction thru what is left of the insulation. Poor terminations at the feed down the block or where it juts off into your property could be a place that needs greater scrutiny.

Any yard work lately where something was planted altered or changed even slightly? Signs? Mail box? Trees? Sprinbkler system? Plumbing issues? Pool? If pool is present, don’t forget to remove it from the circuit. Timers? Exterior lighting changed or installed?? Fencing?

A ‘megger’ is used to determine the quality of an insulator on a conductor. Did your electricians Meg ohm the lines to check the insulation of each phase.?

One solution for a power line was stated, for CATV there are transformers that can be inserted into the line feeding the home, or at the modem. As with the previously mentioned power line fix, RWV.

Good luck.

A TII 220 ground loop isolator put in between the cable line and cable box did it for me. Best $22 I ever spent. 
This was after checking grounding, electricians that found nothing and adding a hydra 8 into the system.  
Good luck. 
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! Lots of great information and after reading everything I'm feeling like this is going to be more of a needle in the haystack than I thought. Problem isn't fixed yet. And it's weird because it's not steady. Some times it's worse that others and I'm going to start logging it all. When it rained really hard the other night it was noticeably worse. 

Some of the suggestions I've already eliminated, which number one... is equipment causing the noise, however my mono amps might be the culprit of some speaker buzz because I hadn't heard that until I added them to the system. I'm going to test that further. 

Second, I did have an electrician tighten all grounds and connections in both boxes, but I never checked all the outlets. That might take me forever so I might try some other things first. 

I do have internet coming in over Coax wire and then have CATV going into my OPPO 105D but I've unplugged it and plugged it back in with now change. I don't have cable, just internet, so only the OPPO is hooked up. 

An important thing to note is that I have two systems. I have a home theater room in one of my bedrooms and I have my two channel system set up in my living room. I'll list components at the bottom of this reply. 

One question that was asked, do I hear the humming and buzzing through the speakers or the equipment. It's both! My Furman Reference has a low audible hum and has a huge transformer (2 channel system), my Furman Elite has a loud audible hum (home theater). I have two amps for my home theater system and both have large transformers in them. They won't hum if they are hooked into the Furman but will hum if I have them plugged into the wall. With everything hooked up either through the Furman or not I still get buzzing through the speakers in both systems. I also get noise through my cheap garage stereo system and a small stereo I have in the basement in the work out room. 

Each system is on a different breaker but they are not dedicated breakers... unfortunately. 

****Now one thing to note is that is very different about my house is that the heating system is radiant heat floors throughout the entire house and garage using hot water and a commercial hot water heater to run it. I'm not sure if this would make a difference or not. Or could it have an effect on grounding. 

My 2 channel system:
Redwine Liliana mono amps converted with a digital power supply instead of the battery packs.
Rogue Audio Perseus Magnum Pre with Mullard tubes. 
Furman Reference conditioner
Toshiba SD-9200 (CD/DVD-Audio)
Magnepan 1.7i
All braided style interconnects and speaker cable from high end cable manufacturers. Upgraded power cords. 
**Tekton DIs are on the way! 

Home Theater:
OPPO 105D as the Blue Ray player and processor
Audio Refinement Muti5 and Multi2 amps
REL S2 Sub
Furman Elite conditioner
Same for cables as 2 channel, just a step down.
Polk Audio speakers
Samsung LED flat screen


I'm going to go through your list of things first and see if any of it helps. I have some time this weekend to check some off. 
