Silly prices for Nordost cables

$38000 for a 2m pair?
$17000 for a 1.5m power cord?
$20000 interconnect for 0.6 meters and only(!) $2000 for an additional 0.5 meter?

I know the debate is tired but this is beyond ridiculous.
Strange value system .
In our society  marketers create the demand period .
The very terms we use in audio first came out of a marketers mouth .
Ditto for most other commodities as well .
Post removed 
@barto. Indeed. The public are responsible for falling for marketing lies both in cables and in politics.

barto49 posts08-31-2017 8:27amIf Nordost is making money on these cables I wouldn't call them ridiculous.... I would call them smart.

If popes are making money on those foolish 'believers' from the walls of their churches to the point of building mansions and purchasing super cars, i would also call them smart, but...

the actual cure to this and other typical nonsense and legalized rip-offs is education that somehow in catastrophic lack of truth.

There also plenty of automotive shops that will gladly replace your Honda Accord or similar class vehicle pair of breaks for $800 and foolish would believe it's necessary and right to replace at the same time rotors and calipers to get '5 year hassle free replacement plan'.

One way or the other, I know they're all trying to 'stick it' and they know where.

Anyways, to debunk I always use just basic math. Basic and elementary math is sufficient enough to realize size of effort and value of raw materials to build Gibson SG vs. Nordost Odin or whatever. No need to know physics or electronics. 

From 'believer's' stand point, I'd simply say that pro-audio hook-up wires had been used to record tunes you're listening and are perfectly great for home-audio applications as 'reference' wires so reviews, legends and marketing descriptions can be easily ignored and dropped into the trash bin.

Perhaps these NordOst wires are designed for folks that don't know or didn't learn how to compare throughout all time spent at useless schools.