Try this free tweak - Speaker Slumber Party!

Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to make a suggestion. Something fun/free to try that may get you interested in room acoustic treatments. Take all your bedroom pillows and throw them on the floor between your speakers. 

What happens? :) 


the pillows would cover up the rug, and annoy the golden retriever who has been trained to lie in the best acoustic configuration sideways on the rug
Post removed 

"  The point is..... just close your eyes and try it. :) "

I dont need to try it as the room has acoustical panels and a thick area rug.

I have my own system inspired by Captain Beefheart’s drummer: I use a pair of XL Depends which are quite effective in absorbing room reflections!
Best Capt. B. vid I've seen. *G*

Eric, y'know, overall you're one of the most thoughtful posters here on AG...and I really appreciate your presence, but with this suggestion expecting 'us' to not crack wise and get goofy on you....*shrug*

I'm pretty 'odd', granted, but I'd stop short on it.  If I followed through on your suggestion, my spouse would call the guys with that long-sleeved coat with the straps and buckles...after 35ish years, she's way tolerant of me, but I know when to NOT do 'something'.  *L*

Room treatments, sure.  Bedroom disassembly, Nooooo.....