Tech That Flopped!

Every few months someone releases technology that seems to be revolutionary, but goes nowhere a couple of years later. Some tech gets acceptance and even imitation. Some goes wildly successful.

Ideas that are a huge success:
  • Acoustic suspension
  • Bass Reflex
  • Soft dome tweeters
Some ideas, well, it's not so clear:
  • Perfectly time aligned speakers ilke Thiel/Vandersteen
  • ESL
  • Line Arrays
  • Plasma tweeters
  • Transmission line
What tech have you seen come and go, was it worthwhile?


I’m with Erik - for more than 30 years, I have been a lover of ESLs and Ribbons. No mater how elaborate, how much hype or how expensive the box, I don’t believe I’ll be ditching my love for the ESLs and ribbons. It’s good though, that everyone has their own likes and preferences - otherwise, it would be a very mono and boring world...Jim

As for time aligned speakers:

niche (adj.): denoting or relating to products, services, or interests that appeal to a small, specialized section of the population.

I would say that they qualify. That is not to disparage their fans or manufacturer's passion. Just that they haven't won everyone over yet.

I have heard Fritz speakers. I think his careful choice of drivers, balance and price point should not be underestimated.

But series crossovers are an absolute niche too. :)