
Where is the best place to install a higher quality set of interconnect cables? Would it be best to place them from the DAC to pre or from pre to power amp? I can only purchase one set right now so I will have to use one of my existing pairs which is a couple product lines lower. Thoughts?
Thanks Steve, I'm going to try your suggestions this weekend and you have a good weekend as well!!
Take out a $250K student loan, ditch the classes and buy the most expensive interconnects you can find. At least it will sound great until the foreclosure is completed
When I was at Wisconsin there was a 92 year old student who had been 
taking courses for 20 years since he sold his farm and retired .
The finally just made him graduate with a degree in philosophy, a subject 
he had over 300 hours in .
Listen to wire both ways
  That's it.
  Only make sure you buy the best model of brand you like .   So
In three year's  you don't have to buy again.   And you will.   
Don't buy a $400  retail anything.  
  Only   IMO