DC leakage from power amps

I am hoping to get some advice on how to check for dc leakage from my power amps. I have a pair of Bryston 28B SST2 mono blocks, powering a pair of Wilson Maxx2's. The Wilsons drivers are protected by resistors, acting as fuses. I have been blowing quite a few of the mid driver resistors, valued at 5.8 ohms. Last night I lost another mid resistor cluster on my left channel ( there are 4 wired in a series/parallel configuration), and what I thought was a tweeter resistor, but upon replacing that single resistor (4.2 ohm) with a fresh one, still no tweeter. I was fed up, and did not investigate further, but fear that I may have a dead tweeter, or worse, crossover issues. I am no tech expert, but am concerned that I may have DC leakage from my Brystons. I live about a 4 hour round trip to the Bryston facilty in Peterborough Ontario, and have lots of warranty left, but don't want to pack up the beasts and have them inspected if I can confirm on my own, if there is a DC issue. How do I go about checking the amps at home, and confidently knowing if there are amp issues, or not. If the amps are faulty, I will return them for repairs, but would like to eliminate/confirm the issue at home. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Does your meter have a max hold function? If so you could get an idea of what kind of peaks you are hitting. With a monster amp and great speakers you may be be playing much louder than you realize

according to Stereophile your problem may be the impedance dip causing a current surge, especially since your amps look like they are capable of arc welding able to deliver 20 amps into 4 ohms

"The speaker's impedance (fig.1) reveals it to be a demanding load for the partnering amplifier, with a value ranging from 4 to 6 ohms for most of the audioband and dropping to a minimum of 2.25 ohms at 240Hz. The combination of 3.8 ohms and a 33.4º capacitive phase angle at 162Hz, a frequency where music has considerable energy, will also demand an amplifier that can source a good amount of current, as MF found in his auditioning."
Read more at https://www.stereophile.com/content/wilson-audio-specialties-maxx2-loudspeaker-measurements#qh7WDRg2...