Folks, I visited about 5 dealers yesterday to audition different loudspeakers. One thing I realized that, loudspeakers are simply user preferences. No loudspeaker is great and no loudspeaker is bad. How can a brand X, which so may people love, be so bad as some people make it seems.
With that said, I listened to Dynaudio Contiour 60, Spendor D7, ProAc D30RS, D48R, Sony, Sonus Fabre, PSB T3. My 2 narrowed down choices were theSpendor D7 and the ProAcs. I was amazed by the Spendor D7. These are diminutive speakers that throw a large soundstage. They all go deeper and sounded full. I have read various forums that put them as "bright" or "harsh" sounding. No way. But here's the deal. In front of them, they had an all MBL system with amps, preamp and the cdp that cost at least between $25-$30k. The cables were Stealth that cost probably more than my entire current system.
Now the D30RS were in a humbler system which comprised of a Naim all-in-one player/amp. The cables were also some normal ones (which I did not check, since it did not call for attention). The D30RS sounded pretty good, but slightly darker than the Spndors. So I am confused at this point in time as to which loudspeaker would be better.
With this information, please provide me your feedback on your experience with the 2 loudspeaker. I should also mention that the ProAcs produced the best vocals amongst all the loudspeakers.