Anyone Had Extended Listening Experience With MBL?

Has anyone had the pleasure, listening for extended periods to any of the MBL speakers? If so, how many hours, which speakers & what electronics were driving them? Speaker wires, interconnects? Your thoughts & how engaging did you find them? Thanks.
I’ve been a huge fan of MBL since the late 90’s, when I heard the first truly realistic rendering of drums and especially drum cymbals, at a CES show. It blew my mind how much more natural and realistic the MBLs sounded vs everything else at the show (not just spatially, but in every way).

I was pretty obsessed with the 101Ds (at the time) and heard them in various set-ups, including at Absolute Sound reviewer Michael Gindi’s place (he was one of their first cheerleaders). Properly set up, there still isn’t anything that beats an MBL 101 (now in E version) in many respects for realism, IMO. Though MBLs are known for incredible imaging, which I love about them, I’m actually a "truth of instrumental timbre" guy first and foremost. My main disappointment with high end audio is that I can not find a sound system that doesn’t homogenize instruments and voices. But when an MBL speaker is carefully set up (in the right room, and avoiding electronics that emphasize any possible steeliness), to my ears they produce a believable rainbow of timbral colors better than anything else. I have long been in agreement with TAS’s Jonathan Valin that the MBL tweeter is among the best, if not the best, sounding tweeters in the world. The mids and highs of the MBL have the most effortless resolution I personally have heard.

As the MBL 101s are beyond my means, I ended up with a pair of smaller MBL 121 monitors, which share the same omni midrange and tweeter as the big models. So I get to enjoy that special MBL quality whenever I want.

I currently use bigger Thiel 3.7 speakers much of the time and they are resolution and coherency monsters. But whenever I put the MBLs in the system, they show the Thiels their place. The resolution is so fine and natural, the tweeter so unmechanical and believable, and the MBLs portray a range of timbral colors even the Thiels can’t match - the way wood sounds like wood, steel like steal, and they are the only speaker I’ve heard that can outdo the Thiels in soundstaging believability.

As for amplification, given how low their sensitivity is, and the fact you always see MBLs being driven by huge, massively powerful MBL amplifiers, I did worry somewhat about how the 121s would sound with my Conrad Johnson Premier 12 140w/side tube monoblocks. It turns out they are a fantastic match. They drive them beautifully, giving me the things I love about the MBLS, and the things I love about the CJ amps.
(I use a CJ Premier 16LS2 preamp). My room is only 13’ by 15’ and I don’t listen really loud normally, so I don’t need tons of power.

In fact, on of my biggest discoveries was hooking the MBLs up to my classic old Eico HF-81 integrated tube amp, a mere 14W per side! The MBLs sound utterly glorious with that amp, sounding even bigger and lusher than with the CJs. It might actually be my favorite amp/speaker pairing.

Though I may have various floor standing speakers continue to pass through my house, I can’t see ever letting go of the MBLs. They are just too original and do things I’d never get again.

So that’s what I can give you as an owner. (Sorry, no cables mentioned because I don’t do high end cables).

Which MBL speakers are you interested in, linden56?

Rocked my world, prof. Your comments bare heed.

Unfortunately, the only time I heard MBL's was at a RMAF and some guy decked in bling was listening to ZZ Top on the all-MBL system. I sensed he had stupid money, so this was allowed to continue too long. I love ZZ Top and all, but...



Talking about "stupid money.."

I once had a chance to bid for a once-in-a-lifetime priced MBL 101Ds (I think on audiogon).  I was in a bidding war and put in my last bid, way leaping over the other guy, in the last 10 seconds or so.  A software or connection glitch meant the connection timed out and my last bid didn't go through, letting the other guy get it.  I was unbelievably pissed and it's haunted me since.

I actually managed to get in touch with the member who won that auction and it turned out he mostly "liked the way they looked" and put them in his gym to listen to background music while he worked out.

Life ain't fair...

A tragically sad story indeed, prof.

My personal story of material tragedy is the rich kid that bought my mint, numbers-matching 69 Z28 with the ultra-rare (500 produced) GM Penske/Donahue crossram racing intake, two Holly 585 no-choke double pumpers and professionally built, balanced-and-blueprinted 302 motor and then pulled and traded that motor for a POS big block, completely ruining the collectability of the car. $175k => $30k in the blink of an eye. Broke my heart.
