Morrow SP7 Upgrade.

Currently using Morrow SP4 Speaker Cables on Low Frequency (bass) in bi-amped system. Various Speakers used, at the moment Revel Ultima Studio. The Morrow's sound best of the cables I have driving low frequencies. At the moment Morrow have 60% off in their trade up program, (I would trade up SP2's I have in a budget system). Anyone have experience going from SP4 to SP7's, and how much better? What other alternatives for bass frequencies would you suggest if not the SP7's?
initforthemusic: Yes, I read that. It really says nothing at all. There might be very impressive technology in his wires, and the end result is what matters, but that paragraph says practically nothing. All I was able to learn is that his ICs use either one or two runs of 18 gauge wire.  Stranded?  Solid core?  Dialectric?  Shielding?  Capacitance?  No way to tell any of this from the web site.  Maybe he doesn’t want to give away his receipe for his special sauce, and I respect that, but most cable makers tend to provide a lot of details about the technology in their wires. Just sayin’.
bondmanp: Perhaps if you contact Patrick, he may help with your questions. I personally found him very helpful. Good Luck.
Thanks, intforthemusic.  I might do that.  However, my next wire purchase will likely be Y cables, as I am adding a new component to my rig soon.  Morrow makes them and makes ordering them pretty simple, so I will stick with Morrow for these.  After that, we'll see.
Thank you, initforthemusic, perhaps the MS audio stuff is good.  I have a personal preference to stay away from Chinese sourced electronics and accessories when I can because of their manufacturing industry which is allowed to rip off any design they choose.  They do not respect Patent laws or human rights, and often make such products with substandard materials.  

The Cullen products look pretty good but since I've been using Morrow cables and with my gear found them to be jaw droppingly good, I prefer to stick with them.  With their deep discount program, easy pay program and 60 day trial period, they really have won my loyalty.

Perhaps with your gear other cables do well, and in your location, buying products from the US is probably not cheap.  In the end, you gotta go with what works in your situation, and more power to you.