Yes, I understood that you meant midfi-ish. To interpret otherwise, and to think that someone offering an opinion respectfully on a "thing" somehow implies a personal attack on "you" because you possess that thing, is, well, a symptom of bias in interpretation beyong this place (say, on a couch with a psychologist might be more appropriate). Also, to say that its just another opinion and all are entitled to an opinion does not imply that some opinions aren't more true than others. Admittedly, context is important (listening experience and system).
Does anyone know anyone with a top flight tube-gear'd NOS'd system that uses B&W as their preferred reference? The predominant answer might to tell you something about the relative musicality of the B&W line versus others. If you like SS and listen to a variety of music, but tend towards classical, and don't want to keep looking on and on, want to retain reasonable resale and like the comfort of a historically proven brand, then B&W should be listened to - and maybe kept. If you are sensitive to mid to upper band lack of air (enveloping quality not volume, progressively greater as you move down the line) then you may want to look elsewhere. Caveat: I have not heard the Nautilus in sufficient number of systems to comfortably put forth an opinion there.
Does anyone know anyone with a top flight tube-gear'd NOS'd system that uses B&W as their preferred reference? The predominant answer might to tell you something about the relative musicality of the B&W line versus others. If you like SS and listen to a variety of music, but tend towards classical, and don't want to keep looking on and on, want to retain reasonable resale and like the comfort of a historically proven brand, then B&W should be listened to - and maybe kept. If you are sensitive to mid to upper band lack of air (enveloping quality not volume, progressively greater as you move down the line) then you may want to look elsewhere. Caveat: I have not heard the Nautilus in sufficient number of systems to comfortably put forth an opinion there.