Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?

Hi, Does the Maestro faceplate (used with the Maestro outlet)  make a difference compared to an inexpensive one?  THANX, FRED
I replaced one PortaPort with Maestro.....after which they all got replaced.   Maestro on my system wounded open effortless, clear, etc., etc, etc,
I really like my maestro outlet. Made a very nice noticeable improvement all across the board.
So you have no idea how it sounds..... You could have just said that....

Huh? Whoa! What are you talking about? Try to stay in the saddle. 🏇

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anyone advocating spendy outlets - much less covers - had better be able to offer some electronics insight into how they could possibly improve SQ

and no, confirmation bias is not a good reason to buy snake oil