Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?

Hi, Does the Maestro faceplate (used with the Maestro outlet)  make a difference compared to an inexpensive one?  THANX, FRED
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anyone advocating spendy outlets - much less covers - had better be able to offer some electronics insight into how they could possibly improve SQ

and no, confirmation bias is not a good reason to buy snake oil
Jea48, did you forget to take your smart pills this morning? You’re so emotional. I wonder what’s eating Gilbert Grape?😱 I apologize in advance if English is your second language. It's possible there is a language barrier, although I doubt it.

Much of what has grown out of the movie theater Professional installations of the 1930’s ..Western Electric and RCA are still being pursued for their simple magic and are being copied even today for their use in high end audio system products. You should remember those installations as you are of the same era though not as significant. Tom

What on Earth are you going on about, now? Maybe you need a time out. 🛌

Robert, you shouldn't get yourself all wound up. You're liable to break your mainspring.