Best universal disc player that has great audio reproduction?

I was flirting with the idea of replacing my separate BluRay player and my Classe cd player with a all in one universal player.
The movie portion is used sparingly but I do have a fair collection of bluray and dvd discs so as long as a decent performer in that region that will be good enough.
The crunch obviously is in the audio reproduction.
Recommendations for a true universal player leaning towards audio on a budget of approx. 2k used.
Thank you
sounds like you already made up your mind to buy the modded OPPO so why the hand wringing just buy it......

if you have never auditioned high quality cables you have never really heard cables and it sounds like you dont want to even think about hearing them (since your mind is made up) and why find out you might be wrong.........

not sure why people are so afraid to audition stuff and maybe not buy for awhile but at least hear what it sounds like so as to have something to shoot for down the road

but sounds like I am preaching to the wrong choir so goodbye and god bless

I actually think you made solid cable recommendations, kp. Just that it doesn't fit the situation here based on reading uberwaltz's posts.

God bless to you as well.

I am sorry but sounds like u really did not read my posts too deeply.
Mind is NOT made up on a modded OPPO but from my requirements there does not appear to be too many alternatives atm.
Again I am sorry if you think I have a closed mind on cables but if you knew my history you would understand why cables are bottom of the
Never say never but not right now at this present juncture.
I can say the room I have my rig in is absolutely god awful but we don't always get what we want due to other constraints.
I know I can hear the difference between a $500 player and a $5000 one quite clearly.
I am not convinced that I would hear the same level of difference in cables.
And that is why it is the bottom of my upgrade list.
If I really want to be thorough I would need to clean up the initial power feed first before anything else.
So please do not take offense at my thought process.