Maestro faceplate - does it make a difference?

Hi, Does the Maestro faceplate (used with the Maestro outlet)  make a difference compared to an inexpensive one?  THANX, FRED
Tom, have you completely lost your mind? Didn't you get the memo, all duplex outlets look approximately the same? Duh? Write your congressman or contact Better Business Bureau of your panties are still in a twist. 👙

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Jea48, I’ll leave you to your thoughts. It's pretty clear you’re following the wrong, you know....

🐑 🚶

we know we are getting fuk’d as a audiophile group when we start talking about the type of screw holding a cover plate in a wall outlet sigh.

next it will be what type of hair cut is best. oh o now look what I started.

cotton or synthetic fabrics on your listening clothing.

do you lay your record sleeve with the opening facing your system or on the floor next.

does the type of lighting in your room make a difference.

do you use steel nails, brass nails or glue to hold your hard wood down.

oh maybe you have concrete do you use Portland or a mixture of exotic concretes.

seriously guys don’t get your toes in a bind over the small stuff. do what you like but don’t argue over it.

Huh?! What? Uh, oh, somebody didn’t get the memo. "The Devil is in the Details." 👹

I respectfully submit that "the details" are what separate real audiophiles from weekend audiophiles, or should I say, gulp, Mid Fi? Some common examples: (1) which direction you insert the fuse, (2) which direction you connect the interconnects, (3) the precise placement of speakers, especially the distance of separation, within an inch, (4) the absolute level of the CD transport, (5) the absolutely correct geometry of the tonearm/cartridge, within 1/10 degree, (6) cleaning, demagnetizing and ionizing CDs prior to play, (7) establishing correct system absolute polarity, cleaning electrical contacts of all audio AND non-audio wall outlets.

cheers, GK