My most excellent brother reviewer and audiophile friend. I take issue with your remarks:
"With much love to both my brothers, Michael and Allan, they both adore FREAKING loud volume levels when listening to music."
When were you ever at my home, listening to music with me, and felt I was listening to music so loud that you had to ask me to turn the volume down? Other than my wife complaining, no one has ever come over to my home and said I listen to music too loud.
Now, I will say that I'm used to listening to music in rooms that are a little more intimate in size than in your large room. It very well could be that when I'm in that large room of yours, listening to music, that I don't feel I'm hearing everything and is why I ask you to turn it up. It could be that I want to hear a particular passage of music better, or I'm not following an instrumental line, or want to get a better idea of a performer's placement on the stage. That may be why I ask you to turn it up. So I can hear things better in your system.
Allen, on the other hand, being a DJ and knowing how he feels certain selections should sound, has his moments when he really wants to feel the music and turns the music up. He has come over to my house and asked for the remote and I brace myself just in case. Not with everything he plays, but just with certain tunes where he feels he needs to.
Whereas you, on the other hand, who spends 30 seconds or more, setting the volume for "seemingly" every CD and every selection where you want to hear it or where you think visitors want to hear it. Again, this is a subjective observation, and you're entitled to your opinion, but I do not listen to music loudly and do not adore "FREAKING" loud music.