Anyone Had Extended Listening Experience With MBL?

Has anyone had the pleasure, listening for extended periods to any of the MBL speakers? If so, how many hours, which speakers & what electronics were driving them? Speaker wires, interconnects? Your thoughts & how engaging did you find them? Thanks.
The OP has posted only 5 times in the last 7 years, started 4 threads with a perfect record of asking a question and then disappearing.

Wish I checked before bothering to answer.  Boo!
Ralph, they want to create a classical German sound, and it appears that they succeed. What may be bright to most of us is not bright for those who prefer that. I am not saying that there is no other kind of German sound, there is.
Question for Inna: classical German orchestras have a rich, dark sound. Are German electronics typically bright and analytical? My main experience with Deutcshe gear has been he Lector CD players - and they're not bright. I will say the MBL integrated amps and CD players or gorgeous

I would love the hear the MBL101Es. 
German electronics is in fact very diverse, just like Germans themselves. Not familiar with MBL but was surprised with Ralph's comments, I never read anything like that about MBL. It is obvious that their speakers should sound different with tube preamp and amp. So what?
@rackon Lector is in fact an Italian company but I'm not sure I'd like to draw any conclusion based only on country of origin. I used to love my old CDP7t, great for tube rolling