Do I need power conditioning for my new plasma?


My Panasonic 50" plasma is on its way.

Do i want / need any sort of surge protection or power conditioning for this thing? If so, why?

Thank you
No more nor any less than you need for your other components. A good whole-house surge protector is important for any house.

For video displays, you should also consider a local surge protector as well as surge protection on any video input signal lines (from, say cable or satellite).

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It all depends on how critical your eyes are. Just like listening to music: A lot of people can't hear the differences that a good power conditioner makes(definition, bass tautness, soundstaging, less grain/more extention and transparency), and think those of us that CAN hear the difference are nuts. Get a Richard Grey's Power Company, or Shunyata conditioner(audition, if possible)and see for yourself whether it's worth it. All conditioners offer some surge protection, BTW.