Do you have a pair of thiel 3.6 in the Phoenix area

I'm thinking of buying a pair of thiel 3.6 here on agon or somewhere online. I wanted to see if a fellow agon member in the Phoenix area would mind if I heard their pair of 3.6's.
Additionally if someone would like to hear a pair of mirage m1's, let me know and you can hear mine.
Best regards Sean Johnson
No kidding. Well I'd love to listen to those, but admittedly they're out of my price range. I live in East mesa, if your up for an audition let me know. 
What is your price range?  I just recently purchased Sonus Faber Amati Tradition.  They were way out of my price range also but I said WTF...why not.  You only live once!!!   LOL
I think I could sell my Mirages for around a grand maybe 1200, so that's where I'm at. I just graduated, so not much extra coin to throw on or I would be saying wtf  as well. That's why I was thinking of the thiel 3.6, I've  seen them around that price point 
How are you liking those Sonus Fabers. Those are a sweet set I'm sure...
I've heard that new sonus faber Lilliam,  it was nothing short of amazing. But 70 He's, yikes