Vintage DD turntables. Are we living dangerously?

I have just acquired a 32 year old JVC/Victor TT-101 DD turntable after having its lesser brother, the TT-81 for the last year.
This is one of the great DD designs made at a time when the giant Japanese electronics companies like Technics, Denon, JVC/Victor and Pioneer could pour millions of dollars into 'flagship' models to 'enhance' their lower range models which often sold in the millions.
Because of their complexity however.......if they are 'unobtanium'....and they often cannot be repaired.
I am going to guess that you replaced the wire that was broken with that thin gauge green insulated wire, seen in the last photo at about 7 o'clock on the face of the PCB.

This problem is what happens to my turntable.

Same with mine as described by Lew and explained by John, would be nice to know how you will fix that. I put my TT-101 aside. 

very interesting your repair, do you want to describe how you solved your problems?
Did you take photos to document all the repair?
It would be very interesting to see how you repaired the engine.
I am very convinced that the pivot oil will need to be replaced if you want to have the turntable in full efficency...for my turntable I will do this.

beautiful ........ already seen those videos several days ago, much has been said on an Italian forum. I think the engine (engine only) can cost about 8000-9000 €, but they are just hypothesis; until next spring (when it will be marketed) all enthusiasts will know the exact price.

have you abandoned your intention to ship it to Wilkinson labs?
We will see if I can solve the problems and it is ok I will report here what the cause was.
