Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Still loving both speakers.  I have the 3.7s running again and after two years they still blow my mind.    I also crank them quite loud when I'm listening outside the room (they are down just a short bit of hallway from my computer chair).   They seem to handle high SPLs very nicely.

I've continued to audition other speakers - most recently Proac Response D20 some Revel speakers, Kudos and Kharma (Kharma more because the dealer happened to have them playing).

I found the Proacs looked beautiful, but unfortunately they had that "ribbon tweeter" discontinuity that I almost always hear in such speakers.  (The exceptions being the Raidho and the JM Reynauds from my auditions of those speakers).   And every time I come home to the Thiels they blow me away compared to what I've just heard elsewhere.
I have the 3.7s spread really wide apart, and about 6 1/2 feet from me, and the sound is just a massive, incredibly deep stage with beautifully focused voices and instruments throughout.  And just clarity from top to bottom.  The only speakers that really come close to doing that kind of effect (other than my MBLs) are the Audio Physic speakers - Avanti.
I am pretty curious about the Audio Physic Codex - the Avanti is possibly the most beautiful speaker I've seen in one of their high end finishes.  The Codex is I think not much smaller than the Thiels so wouldn't solve much of my "too big" issue with the 3.7s.

I still think I may be headed to purchasing the Joseph Audio Perspectives when I can, at which point I will have to let go of either the 2.7s or 3.7s (if only to please my wife).

Good to see you -oblgny

Man, you took quite an adventure w/ the B.A.T.
Always good to read about sellers/manufacturers standing behind their products and offering favorable customer service.

Any further idea(s) of the culprit behind the non-working amp?

Happy Listening!
Yep, it is a company for the Audio history buffs- unsound and saffron_boots.
Good to see you guys.
Happy Listening!