2,768 posts 09-14-2017 10:08pm
No it’s you that doesn’t understand, as interconnect shields are kept at earth potential, some thorough a very low ohm resistor, if they weren’t they’d be useless as a shield for rf.
Cheers George
If what you say is true how possibly does the two pieces of Marantz audio equipment (see Links below) work as designed. Neither piece of equipment uses an earth equipment ground connection. In the world of the two pieces of audio equipment the only ground that exists is the B- power supply that connects to the metal chassis of the two pieces of equipment. I am pretty sure the signal ground of each piece of equipment is also connected to B- and chassis. The metal enclosure rejects RFI just fine without being connected to an earthed ground. How can that be?
I could use an isolation transformer and float the secondary winding above ground and feed the Marantz SA/CD player and Marantz integrated amp and they would operate and sound as designed. They wouldn’t even know an earth ground exists outside their boxes.
Here is a picture of the back of a Marantz PM8005 Integrated amp. Note the inlet connector is a 2 wire non grounding type.
Here is a picture of the back of a Marantz SA8005 player. Note the inlet connector is a 2 wire non grounding type.
NO earth ground connection is used. How do they possibly play together with one another? The job of the ICs is to transfer the signal from the SA/CD player to the integrated amp. That is their purpose.