Magico S5 Speaker - owners - heard them!

Guys anyone that has heard these can you please provide some feedback. Would love your thoughts and feedback on these. I'm picking a Preowned pair and wanted some thoughts. What are your impressions - amps that match best - what you have heard them compared to?
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I think your ear/brain will be going through a very steep leaning curve when transitioning from highly efficient single driver full range speakers to any multi-driver large box speaker. I've only heard a couple of single driver models from Charney - Maestro, Concerto, and their delivery of music was on a different plane. The micro detail was overwhelming. It almost felt like every single note in the music was demanding my attention. I think the idea of keeping what you have until you try the new speakers is very smart.

havent heard the mk1 version of the S5 but have heard plenty of magicos recently. they love big clean solid state power. i just took delivery of a customized amp from odyssey audio which sounds beautiful and delivers steady power and current. Alon actually uses an amp from odyssey (among others) to test his speakers - I read this in TAS and it's worth looking up. The article is about the Khartago (entry level) but I got a customized version of the kismet (top line). One of the best parts of the build and customization process is that Klaus will ask you to measure the voltage for your socket so he can tailor the bias for YOUR power conditions. This makes a big difference for me since I live in an older NYC building with dirty power - I was averaging 124 volts out of the socket. Highly rec you check these amps out!

Disclaimer: I have no business affiliation with Odyssey Audio. Just a really happy customer and Klaus is a real stand up guy.
Hey Kalai - I know what you mean about the single - full range drivers - I hope that's not the case though but I understand it may be.

I think Rethm makes the best - single - full range driver in the world - my hope is that with the Magico it has its own strengths - it's pristine - super low distortion - dynamic speaker in it's own right - it's different but I hope I love them. 

What I don't really understand is that so many people love the Magico's and why you hear so little about the Rethm's. I mean I heard them and had to have them but other than 6Moons who did back flips over them. They said they have no natural preditor but my hope is that I like the Magico's even more. Much more I hope!

Its funny preparing for the arrival of the Magico's I made a trade deal with an audio buddy of mine and acquired the Pass Labs X350.5. It's a beast and will provide 700 watts into 4ohm which should be a nice match for the Magico's. Provide some nice headroom.

For the heck of it I hooked the Pass up to my 103db Rethms.

I reached out to Nelson first to make sure the Pass amp wouldn't launch my speakers through my ceiling into my He laughed and told me no problem they will work fine - he just didn't know how I would like the sound. I don't listen real loud 85db maybe 88db when I want to turn it up.

They sound absolutely fantastic. I was amazed - like a really good tube amp with an incredible bottom end with but speed. To be sure it wasn't just me my buddy couldn't believe how good that amp with those speakers sounded as well.

I'm excited that I have such a well matching amp that I already really like for the Magico's. The Pass amp is warm and round and extended. My Krells, BAT or Levinson's never sounded anything even remotely like this. I'm psyched! 

Anyone else try pair Magico with Pass?

Love the comments and feedback folks - makes the waiting for them to arrive a little easier - that's the hardest par - that waiting :) 
Everyone I've heard that owns the Odyssey love them. They have loyal followers for sure / must be great stuff but it's one the brands I've never heard or even seen in person but I've read about them and know the designer is very well thought of. 
No doubt the 350.5 will be a great match with Magico.  Regarding the Bricasti, I doubt you'll need a dedicated pre-amp.  The volume control is so good in the M1.... at that level a pre-amp becomes more of a toy than a game changer.