Are the folks at Vandersteen ok?

No updates in their website and facebook for a while.  Used to have frequent updates.  Hmm or maybe I have too little to do these days..
Beyond OK
richard and I talk about every other week
does he have strong opinions - yes
is he direct but blunt - sure - think of it as verbal and emotional efficiency - he has dealers to apply sugar - not that his product needs it IMO
do we always agree - no
is he running a fantastic business with great products - yes
is he sourcing almost everything inside USA - yes
does he employ more than two handfuls of fellow Americans - yes
He is
working on cool new products

i love our 7 mk2
working up to his amps after I get the triplaner arm bolted down....

+1 stewart0722  RV has a singular vision of what he wants out of his creations and once he fixed upon his philosophy of speaker design it has and continues to be a quest to perfect that vision.  He is regularly updating his various speaker designs to get the highest level of performance that is possible at the time.  In fact, it is that quest that I believe drives him.  Is he a great phone call, No.  Do I care?  Not a whit!  His employees speak well on his behalf. Just let Richard be Richard.  
Yup, he can be a bit curt, and I do think he rubs people the wrong way, but I can tell he is a straight shooter. 
He can't delegate the PR to someone else, because he knows what he knows from experience-unfortunately that is something that can't be taught to just anyone.
If you need someone with a bit more bedside manner, then PM or call John Rutan at Audioconnection. He can give any Vandy information that you need to know.
Another thought...
he places avemphasis on real knowledge vs. musings
to wit
he was aware of the discussion about aerodynamic approach to driver design that was referenced in the $60 k speaker thread....
his comment to me
i invented and patented that years ago... and decent engineer would know that....

i paraphrase a bit

I started accompanying a long-time Vandersteen dealer to the Vegas CES in the mid-90’s through early-2000’s, and one year Richard invited the dealer and his wife and a couple of the dealers staff to dinner. The dealer asked Richard if he minded if I and my girlfriend came along as well, and he said no problem. He paid not only for the expensive dinners, but for many bottles of real good wine, which he selected himself (he knows about wine as well as speakers). I kept my ears open as Richard spoke that evening, learning a great deal about many things. He is somewhat of a Renaissance man, yet a down-to-earth blue-collar fella, with no pretense or artifice---my kinda guy. I came away from a meeting with the head of the Wilson Audio Sales division with a very different impression ;-).