Beyond OK
richard and I talk about every other week
does he have strong opinions - yes
is he direct but blunt - sure - think of it as verbal and emotional efficiency - he has dealers to apply sugar - not that his product needs it IMO
do we always agree - no
is he running a fantastic business with great products - yes
is he sourcing almost everything inside USA - yes
does he employ more than two handfuls of fellow Americans - yes
He is
working on cool new products
i love our 7 mk2
working up to his amps after I get the triplaner arm bolted down....
richard and I talk about every other week
does he have strong opinions - yes
is he direct but blunt - sure - think of it as verbal and emotional efficiency - he has dealers to apply sugar - not that his product needs it IMO
do we always agree - no
is he running a fantastic business with great products - yes
is he sourcing almost everything inside USA - yes
does he employ more than two handfuls of fellow Americans - yes
He is
working on cool new products
i love our 7 mk2
working up to his amps after I get the triplaner arm bolted down....