2017 ‘Keeper’ speakers under - $25K

Heading towards the second half of 2017, I thought to ask here what other’s feel based on their experiences, wants or desires, exactly which recent production speakers under $25K, would be the ones you would want to marry.

Or be in a very long term fundamentally though not totally committed, relationship.

One wherein if they promise to satisfy on demand, you promise to keep them clean and sufficiently supplied with power and the purest of signals, not to leave dirty clothes on the floor, and to take the trash out daily, er, uh, regularly.

Actually, those last two items are predominately conscience driven and do not command perfect adherence.

Which speakers hands down just flat out captivated your attention, fancy, or were so compelling they made a significant impact.

In short, Speakers that have taken your breath away .

As speakers are merely one part of the ching let’s qualify things somewhat.

1. Speakers which can run very well in medium sized rooms. EX. 14 to 18ft wide, and 17 to 25ft long or deep, with ceilings from 8.5ft to 10ft H, or so.

2. If a sub was or should have been added, please, mention that as well.

3. If an Ultra high end setup, massive SS power amps, Tubes, or flea watt amps, were feeding and or driving them noting it would be appropriate.

4. Recent production since 2015. New or used.

Although it seems prudent to list only current production speakers, I know adding on the facet of pre-owned adds a lot more choices for the ‘desert island’ I got mine, you get your’s, scenario, but what the hey. It beats that 250 to 500 plus hours of run in new units usually insist upon.

If links to accounts or info on them is available, please include it.

As this is about options anyhow, let no design be excluded.


I believe you are talking about Alma Music and Audio; I have not had the occasion to visit their facilities. Would be fun. I'll put it on my list.
soundsrealaudio07-18-2017 2:17amWell I can't stop myself. That means you should be very afraid. Here are the speaker components that would disqualify them.

1. No metal tweeters
2. No ceramic drivers
3. No ribbon tweeters
4. No speakers made with MDF. ( chip board with a ton of glue ).
5. No tweeters that kick in below 4000 kz. Let them do what they are        supposed to do. High frequencies only.
6.No big soul sucking crossovers.
7. No big woofers. Too slow and flabby and not realistic sounding.
8. No big speakers, big cabinets, way to much cabinet resonance.You don't by speakers to listen to the cabinet. At least I don't.

Good list. I'd like to add a couple more.

9  Paper cones (or Hemp) drivers 
10 Smooth unobtrusive tweeters.
11 As few drivers as possible. 

Of course there is no such thing as the best loudspeaker in the world as there is no best wine/ lager in the world. They are all different and its just a matter of taste. Accuracy can be measured but our ears are more sensitive than any machine in the crucial midrange.

By the above criteria I can't think of any speaker but there are a few I'd like to hear such as,

Eclipse TD712z

Vivid Giya

Russell K Red 50 100 150

Linkwitz Orion

A/N Hemp

Devore  0/96 

Zu Tone etc

Blindjim....from your thread you mentioned a good deal on Wilson's might be of interest.  I just purchased some Sonus Faber Amati Traditions so I have a flawless pair if Wilson Audio Duette 2's on sale on this site.

Willgolf > Wilson Audio Duette 2's on sale on this site.

Blindjim > thanks much. I’m looking farther and newer up the food chain. Sorry these would not be of interest to me presently.

blindjim, looks you are still on your search.  I saw you seemed lukewarm at best on the Harbeth suggestion on at least basis of price and need for stands.  I think they sound great, price to performance is subjective but the need for stands is not.  Have you considered several other U.K. designs from ProAc, Spender and PMC?  The current larger floor standers from these companies sound very good to my ears, musical with startling body and placement of voices and instruments.  I could live with them.  For a long time.  I have heard the Wilson models mentioned sound very good with ARC tube gear, I like Vandies with any power, and Vienna Acoustic may be sleeper choice.  Haven't heard the newer Focal or Revel models, but fan of some of their models that have been around a while.  Good listening and good luck.