Best fuses for under $50?

I need six of them for a power amp therefore I need something more economical...  say $50 or less. Any suggestions?

Thank you for your very detailed and well conveyed message on the sonic effects of rhodium. In a few short paragraphs you also have  described the sonic flavor of Furutech and Nordost.

You are doing  important work in describing the sonic effects so other audiophiles can better decide whether these products will improve their systems.

David Pritchard
Like @davidpritchard , thank you for your input into this unnecessarily contentious discussion on fuses. Your last paragraph pretty much sums it up re: we are the ones now tasked with getting our hands dirty in order to further gains and insights that others can use to further their enjoyment.

The boors should move on, unless there is some perverse enjoyment in their wailing and rending of cloth that can be had.

As for the use of rhodium in my PADIS fuses, I find them remarkably balanced and not at all lean in the midrange. Different systems will get different results.

All the best,

@gbmcleod - thanks for your post.  They are all definitely good points.  One thing I wanted to call out is that I did not specifically state that "power supply" would be the flaw in all instances.  I just put that out as an example, because the power supply can definitely be somewhat undersized in a piece of equipment (my own humble opinion).  Other points could be different things:  such as no Class A waveform smoothing in an audio chain, silver or silver-plated wire, poor quality electrolytic capacitors, etc. etc.

And like I said in a previous post, putting all rhodium fuses in everything can definitely tilt that accuracy towards being to lean or thin.  I stated that in detail earlier in this thread where I explained how I had to back off the "all rhodium" fuse and use "one Furutech rhodium + one Isoclean gold" in my Emotiva amps.  It can definitely be a situation of "subtractive vs additive" factor in place.  It's a fine line, but too much "subtractive" or "gold" can mean that you just don't have enough detail for your taste. 

Like I have said many times, I love rhodium elements, but they are always a double-edge sword.

auxinput - thanks, in return, for your post. I like the exchange of ideas. It is so much more pleasant to discuss and agree - or disagree - politely, than some of the name calling that happens in so many other forums (and it seems, even in this one sometimes. On Facebook, there is a group for audiophiles on the cheap, and I volunteered that a record clamp would help keep the cartridge from doing the rhumba on records by...well, clamping them down securely. And got a snotty response simply because I’d worked - and written for - several magazines). It is much more civil here, even when the inevitable malcontent announces that a fuse or speaker or Shakti Stone "can’t POSSIBLY do THAT!"

Quite by accident, I discovered,  a week ago, hiding in plain sight - in the Bermuda Triangle that is my listening room - a Furutech fuse, and looked at it the way a society doyenne assesses a social climber: "Hmmm...what use could I make of you?" Unfortunately, the Furutech once again went on the lam into the Bermuda Triangle of my room, although I’ve no doubt I can find it more easily, now that I know I didn't throw them out! (I almost never do, but am  non-plussed at how hard it is to find them when I want them again. I'd swear I put them somewhere "safe," but if they were children, I'd be arrested for losing them. And Jailed. For Decades, even. So, thank God that the little fuses cannot get me incarcerated.

On another thread I posted on tonight, Synergistic Research had announced  the released of a new line of fuses, the "BLUE," which, they assert, will leave the Black in the dust, but, we’re assured, the Black is as good as it ever was. And I believe that. However, since Synergistic always offers a 30-day return guarantee, I could not resist being Blue for a while, and have ordered 3 of the Blues, which I will put into my NAD C3325BEE. The NAD seems to resist fuses’ effects - positively, I mean. The Furutechs positively bleached out the lovely tone that the NAD has (and it truly - for an inexpensive integrated - has a lovely tonal quality. That designer knew what he was doing!) So, now I am going to see if an upgrade - that costs as much as the NAD did when new - can entice it into another level of performance. It has always lacked resolution in the highs and is only fair-good with ambience retrieval, so it is a good candidate for home...I mean, audio, improvement. We shall see!
I enjoy these exchanges. Thank you. And I’m sorry that I forgot to acknowledge where you pointed out that you were speculating. I am not an engineer. It is a wonder I haven’t electrocuted myself, changing outlets by myself and occasionally soldering circuits. I trust your superior knowledge. I can only tell by ear (which I DO trust), how close the music comes to how realistic it sounds in my favorite venues: Carnegie Hall, The Met, and David Geffen (formerly Avery Fisher) as well as the Bushnell Theatre in Hartford, CT and the Palace in Stamford, CT. And, of course, Boston Symphony Hall, which I haven’t been in in years. Would that components were as easy to pin down as the character of symphony halls!

@gbmcleod - out of curiosity, how many hours do you have on your Furutech fuse?  The rhodium will take 200-250 hours to burn in fully.  There are several very painful points during burn, some being very very bright and harsh.  If you don't have 200+ hours, is there a spare piece of equipment you could put the fuse into?  Just turn that device on and let it sit for 10 days straight (24 hours a day).

I haven't picked up the fuse testing again.  I have so many items on my list of projects, the first is to replace all switching power supplies in my system (which I have discovered are a major problem!).  I did test the RED fuse and was not really impressed.  I haven't tested BLACK/BLUE, and will probably not test these anytime soon.