Parasound A-23 or Parasound HCA 2200

What are the relative strengths of these amps, I see both available for a good price on ebay.  Thanks.

I stand corrected.  I think I confused it with the language for the integrated.

My bad,

Hi Teo.  Thanks for the advice.  It did occur to me that an amp of that age might need some 'cap' work.  How would I  know (other than checking for capacitors that bulge like miniature soup cans infected with botulism) ? 

If I intended to keep this amp long-term, I might be inclined to have the caps replaced, just on the theory that they are too old not to have issues.  But since I only intend to keep it for a few months until I have enough $$ to buy what I want (a Newer Bryston 4B SST), I thought I would play that by ear -- literally.

Assuming I do need to have it re-capped.  (And maybe I would do that prior to selling it anyway.) Where would be a good place to send it.  It appears you do that work.  Perhaps you would provide an estimate.

Another thought:  Maybe I should settle for an Integrated amp with a bit less current but a decent preamp section for now.  My immediate plan is to connect my DAC directly to the amp. (I am not a fan of vinyl.  I had plenty of the required maintenance and penalty for lack of it when I was younger so I just need 1 input. I have been 100% digital for decades.  Lately, I have ditched the CDs in favor of TIDAL hifi)
Along the lines of the Integrated, there is a recently refurbished NAD 372 for $400 that I am considering
The dead cap issue is tied to thermal and electrical stressing and some amps are anomalies that only appear over time. EG, I’ve got more than a few 30-40+ year old amps where the main filter caps measure and look fine. that is usually the rule, but when they get that old, new main filter caps are generally a good idea.

When I look at an amplifier, I look at many many photos of it and specifically the ones called ’nudies’, where you see the innards. Those images can provide some info on potentials in longevity but only to a knowledgeable and practiced eye.

The second point of research involves looking for any issue with repairs, if the unit (specific model) has repair issues, if the unit has a history of repeats in a given fault mode. People talk about refurbish or rebuilds and so on. Read the tech talk, even if it is a bit difficult to follow, it can be enlightening.

A check on the Parasound products will find little to no blips, trends, or anomalies in these areas. Always a good sign.

To think that one has to consider Parasound product age as part of an evaluation of a potential a point in pride, not a problem. Pride in that the product has been around long enough that such age issues can actually arise.