Question about Teo Gamechanger!

While we all search for synergy. The very best [musical] cable I've heard to date was a Analysis Plus golden oval [I think it was about $2500 or so]. It simply had the greatest ease and flow of detail I had the pleasure of hearing. Has anyone one here heard one and if so would the Teo Game Changer compete? Know this is a long shot but I'm intrigued by the fullness or meatiness the Teo is supposed to have. Of course everything is system related. Any info is welcomed, cheers, bluenose
My current ic's are Audio Sensibility occ silver signatures. I haven't heard anyone directly compare the Teos to these cables which are quite excellent. But I suspect with TEO we're looking at something entirely different indeed.  I have a couple of audio buddies coming for a weekend this fall. Perhaps that would be a good time to throwTeo in the mix. It could really shake things up. One friend has the same IC as me, the other, has the analysis plus  gold oval. If the Teo is simply different, not better in my system we'll all hear it. This may be the best way to explore the Teo "sound". thanks again for the replies. cheers, bluenose
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Teo offers a money back guarantee, so all you have to lose by trying them is a bit of postage?

If you try them and you can’t hear a difference, simply send them back.

The Teo Audio cable mentioned in the review steakster posted is not the Game Changer. I believe it's the next level up.
I can vouch for the fact that Teo made no issue about returning my Game Changers. 
Hi, Janehamble. If you like could you e-mail me or let me know  why you returned them?  I am glad to know TEO stands behind their return policy. thanks in advance, bluenose