Anyone have Bookshelf speakers mounted over top of their subs??

Like the title says, I was wondering if many have done this to get a true stereo sound with dual subs, and bookshelf speakers?  My current set up is SVS ultra bookshelves, and 1 SVS sb2000 for now, adding another sub soon. I would like to build speaker stands to where the subs slide under the bookshelf speakers, and I haven't seen it done anywhere, just wondering if it is an idea worth pursuit?
I did this years ago using Totem Mani 2's with 2 NHT sub two subwoofers. Worked very well. You might not have the ultimate degree of moving the speakers around for the best performance for both the sub and the main speakers, it worked for me
GIK is a great manufacturer, you are lucky to have them nearby.

Bass traps remove the inevitability of nulls. :)

You'll need EQ, but traps + EQ can really do wonders.

I recommend you use a descending target curve, about 1-1.3dB/octave.


There are several professional acoustic articles about this, but yes, you get rid of nulls by using bass traps first, and then EQ becomes possible. The other way around, not so much.

Thank you all for your Input, it looks like my next step is going to definitely be build some bass traps. I have the material to build some 3" thick ones and I am only able to build them about 3' tall due to other things in my living Room that cannot be moved .  I plan on ordering some fabric from Gulliford of Maine to wrap my bass traps in , I think it is probably wise to let my girlfriend to use the color . She has agreed to let me hang acoustic panels on the walls, as long as they are art panels, like the ones offered by Audimute( one of those already ordered) 
Erik, I am not up to speed on my octaves and curves yet , and I am pretty much a novice at home audio. I am very anxious to learn all of the required terminology and technical ability to make what I have sound as good as it can.