Thanks for being civil and open minded. I will be happy to fill out your form. You need to give me time to generate the math on a sample of this phenomenon. In fact I was going over some figures that I thought might allow more understanding of the problem found and how my solution is implemented.
BTW - question for you.
" Circuits vary the pitch through intermodulation distortion through summing the fundamental with harmonics."
Where do these harmonics come from exactly?
Thanks for being civil and open minded. I will be happy to fill out your form. You need to give me time to generate the math on a sample of this phenomenon. In fact I was going over some figures that I thought might allow more understanding of the problem found and how my solution is implemented.
BTW - question for you.
" Circuits vary the pitch through intermodulation distortion through summing the fundamental with harmonics."
Where do these harmonics come from exactly?